i am sitting at the library in the Retiro Park in Madrid,
my self proclaimed office in the past 4 months
the big full-frame windows illuminate the room,
while i’m able to observe people walking by,
enjoying their careless stroll, morning run
or catching up with friends and family.
winter in madrid is magical, like the city itself
but we do not get exempt from the cold
i am not only fleeing my cozy apartment to avoid
hypothermia due to prolonged hours of little movement.
2 years ago I started wondering
what I truly want to do with my life
because quite honestly,
spending the next 45 years working at
someones restaurant or cafe wasn’t gonna cut it
so I did something about it:
— I started freelancing
paying rent with a mix of organizational &creative work,
content creation/management and occasional barista shifts.
now, I have something
most people dream of: time.
time to explore, to create, to chase what truly excites me.
… but what exactly is that?
i’ve gone through a deep personal discovery journey
(a long story I’ll spare you for now),
to finally admit to myself : i can’t settle for just one passion.
apparently, i’m a polymath.
which is a fancy way of saying
that i’m deeply curious about many things
—a blessing and a curse.
this falls into the realm of neurodivergence
and often overlaps with adhd
or short attention spans
which honestly… explains a lot.
it was beautiful to read something that defines me so well
and very comforting to know there's many more people out there
suffering the weight of multiple interests they don’t know how to pick from
(if you’re interested in this, i’ll most probably write about it soon)
while understanding myself a bit better is comforting,
it hasn’t exactly helped me take action.
if you think knowing yourself solves all your problems,
think again…
the little stubborn human i am still needs to shed a whole bunch of beliefs
which obviously have kept me from writing this column for weeks
i don’t know how to write
what do i even have to say ?
who would care?
why would anyone read it?
those are just a few of the thoughts that invade my mind
the second i decide to let you in on a tiny corner of it.
we all start somewhere… and while i am far from being the best writer
I strongly believe I have something to say (and teach!)
until my unsolicited advice and deeply needed inner wisdom
reaches the corner of the internet populated with people who seek it
I will write for the crickets and butterflies, simply because I must.
this deep desire to share my experiences,
knowledge and discoveries with you,
has only grown over those past two years.
you can already find me taking messy action in the form of:
it’s been:
31years on this planet
10years in hospitality
4 fluent languages
a life spent experiencing different countries, cultures and perspectives
i’ve decided: no more hiding
even though i constantly sabotage my way out of speaking my mind
(for every sentence i write, i could write ten rectifying that very perspective)
my ability to emphasize and shift perspectives
will no longer limit me, but become my superpower.
it won't happen overnight, but it sure as hell will be enjoyable.
stick along if you want to see it’s possible.
until then, thank you for reading
and catch you on the flipside <3
photocredit: https://www.instagram.com/rafagoesnatural/